Nicola Louise Makeup

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How To Make My Makeup Look Better

Do you want your makeup to look nice?

Then Look At Your Skincare First

Do you honestly struggle to create a makeup routine that looks beautiful and flawless and lasts the day?

Believe it or not, it could actually be your skincare routine, or lack thereof, that is causing the biggest problems of all. So take this opportunity to go back to the basics and review what you are doing in preparation for your makeup application.

Makeup is not a magic wand if you are not doing the foundations (skincare) first. You must be looking after your skin by keeping it well-nourished and in top condition if you want your makeup to look flawless.

Of course, it will also depend on what you are putting into your body, nutritional food, getting your daily dose of vitamins, and the classic of drinking plenty of water to keep you hydrated. But it doesn't stop there; it is very much dependent on how well you treat your skin.

  1. Cleansing

One of the most important steps in the morning and evening is to ensure you are thoroughly cleansing your skin.

We need to start with a fresh, clean base, not just on the days when you want to wear makeup. Cleansing needs to be done daily to get rid of daily dirt and oil buildup on the skin. It will also help to clean out your pores and keep spots and blackheads at bay. Find your perfect cleanser by researching your skin type and getting the cleansing formula most suited to you.

You should be cleansing for 60 seconds to give your skin the best clean. At night-time double cleansing, you will notice a massive difference if you have not already been doing this. It is particularly important if you have been wearing makeup to initially remove the makeup and then go in with a second cleanse to clean the skin itself.


2. Exfoliating

Exfoliating your skin can be a game-changer. Our skin sheds dead cells naturally, but if your skin is looking dull or feels bumpy to the touch, then introducing an exfoliating product a couple of times a week can be beneficial.

There are many types of exfoliating products on the market; some are manual exfoliators that have little particles, and you can feel the effects pretty much straight away. You do have to be careful not to scrub your skin or put too much pressure on it when using a manual exfoliator. This can sometimes cause damage to your skin surface, so be gentle.

If you have sensitive skin or suffer from rosacea, you will want to look at an AHA or BHA exfoliant, which is a liquid version and will chemically break down the dead skin cells.

3. Toner

I feel there is a place for toning; it is a nice way to refresh the skin and pick up any leftover dirt on the skin, but it will be particularly good for those who have oily or combination skin types as it will help to remove any excess oil on the skin. Our face oils can break down any makeup we put on during the day.

There are many things you can do to prepare your skin for makeup if you do have oily skin. You could use a mattifying moisturiser and a primer specifically for oily skin. You could also select an oil-free foundation formula, set it in place with face powder, and then use a makeup setting spray.


4. Serum

We really want to hydrate and nourish the skin as much as possible; the goal is to achieve soft, supple, and bouncy skin.

We all get some form of dehydration, including those with oily and combination skin. It is important to hydrate, and you can start doing this by adding a face serum to your routine. The serum can take a few weeks before a noticeable difference is seen, as it works down to the new skin cells being created. But you will get the benefits when you have found the right type of serum for you.

Anything with hyaluronic acid is perfect, as it is highly hydrating, but depending on your age, you may want to look at a serum for skin-specific issues you may want to improve. This could be to even out skin tone due to pigmentation, something to help firm the skin due to loss of elasticity, or to help spot-prone skin.

5. Eye Cream

Our under-eyes are a very delicate area but also need to be kept well hydrated, especially if you find your concealer is looking heavy, caking, or even creasing badly.

Of course, we all come to a time when we start to get lines and wrinkles around the eyes. Unless we are thinking of taking drastic action through surgery, this is just something we have to accept and realise there is only so much we can do to prevent lines. Using a hydrating undereye cream will keep the area well nourished and will certainly help with dehydration and how well our makeup applies on top.


6. Moisturising

Believe it or not, I meet a lot of women who do not moisturise, they never have done it, or they just do not regularly think about it. The problem is that if your skin is not well hydrated, supple, and plump, your foundation will look terrible on the skin. Really terrible.

It is so important to prep your skin correctly, especially if you want to avoid the foundation looking dry, heavy, dull, and disappearing very quickly after application. If you have uneven texture, dry patches, and bumps, the foundation will just cling to these areas, highlighting that they exist.

Skin texture is normal; we all have it, including pores, some of which are more visible for certain skin types. The problem is that if you are not even giving your skin a chance to be hydrated and nourished, your makeup is always going to look patchy and uneven. It is inevitable.

Preparing the skin for makeup is like preparing your door to be glossed! You smooth it down (cleansing and exfoliating), prep the area (serum and moisturising), then put your gloss and topcoat on (your makeup application). For the top layer to look good, the bottom layers need to be well prepared first.


Makeup has a chance of looking amazing, applying so well, and, of course, lasting for hours and hours, but you first have to look at how well you are prepping your skin and what products you are using.

To Achieve Great Makeup You First Need To Achieve A Great Skincare Routine.

Makeup can be magical and transform the way you look and feel, but this will only happen in the way you want it to if you first take it back to basics and make sure you have a good, solid skincare routine in place.

I am by no means a skincare expert; I am a makeup expert, but as a working makeup artist, I know what works and how you can achieve the makeup look you want and deserve. It amazes me how many women are struggling with their makeup and the way it looks and applies but have never thought, or realised, that it is all connected with their skincare.


Trust me, once you have a skincare routine in place with products that work for you, you will be amazed at how much of a difference it makes.

If you are feeling stuck with your makeup routine, either because you are just not able to achieve what you want or because you would like a complete refresh, please do get in touch and book a makeup lesson.

Together, we will look at all the products you are using, including your skincare. I can make lots of recommendations and help you achieve your desired routine and look. I can show you how to piece together a makeup look you will love and teach you new techniques and ways of doing things.